Saturday 8 November 2008

Escape from really boring island 3

Created by Miniwally

Play the Game

This time i won't tell you when to press stuff like ok, proceed, continue etc.

  1. Door
  2. Anyone on the other side
  3. Ummm can you release me from here
  4. Sounds like a deal
  5. green,green,red,green
  6. Yeah, and i'm here to make a bargain
  7. Okay when we find the gold my share is 90 precent of it
  8. 150 percent so you get more than me
  9. Yeah you prepare the ship and i'll wait here
  10. Chair
  11. broken window
  12. purples guys head when he's looking opposite way
  13. window
  14. left
  15. paint bucket
  16. right
  17. door
  18. sink
  19. rock
  20. as you can see i'm not purple
  21. you are one bad dragon
  22. bottom right
  23. house
  24. treasure chest
  25. key
  26. lolly
  27. cave
  28. hut
  29. lolly
  30. right
  31. time machine
  32. left
  33. door
  34. use your magic force to alter the past
  35. portal
  36. paper on desk
  37. build an airport on unknown island
  38. blue thing at top
  39. time machine
  40. camera
  41. wire going into camera none of the coloured wires
  42. right
  43. wardrobe
  44. yellow,green,blue
  45. door
  46. box
  47. epinephrine
  48. guards head when he's notlooking at you
  49. Lets get moving
  50. escape the boring island
  51. ok